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Synchronizing your notes to a cloud storage server allows you to access your notes on different devices and reduces the risk of data loss in case of uninstallation or clearing the browser cache.

First, you need a place to store your data online. OpenNotas currently supports several data storage services. All you need to do is obtain the synchronization configuration and enter it into the application. Don't worry, detailed instructions on how to obtain the configuration are provided below.

But first, you should familiarize yourself with the synchronization configuration setup.

Step 1: Go to Settings > Synchronization.

Step 2: Choose an adapter other than LocalForage (Offline).

Step 3: Select the synchronization frequency and enter the synchronization configuration. Assuming you have obtained the configuration, click Save.

Step 4: The application will prompt for an encryption key. If this is your first time using the synchronization feature, click "Generate Key" to be assigned a new key. Otherwise, enter the encryption key you have used before.

If successful, you will not receive any error messages from within the application.

Note: Changing the adapter will result in the deletion of existing data. OpenNotas will delete the old data to download the new data. Therefore, it is recommended to back up your notes before changing the adapter by going to Settings > Tools > Export Notes.

From now on, your note data will be synchronized to the server!