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Turso is a service that provides a sustainable data storage solution with large capacity. So you can use this service to store data.

Get Synchronization Configuration

Automatic Retrieval

Run a single command:

curl -sS -o /tmp/ && bash /tmp/ && rm /tmp/

Then the screen will redirect to the Turso login page. You need to log in to continue.

The next step is to enter the database name, choose any name you like (Note: write it without spaces, accents, or special characters).

Then you will receive the configuration, it is better to record the configuration somewhere and fill it into the application.

Manual Retrieval

  • Log in to
  • Create a new database.
  • Click on the newly created database, select "Generate Token" to get the token. Also on that screen, copy the URL of the created database in the format libsql://

Your connection information is a text string in the following format:


With xxx being the URL and yyy being the token obtained above.